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Name IO::Socket::SSL::Utils
Version 2.015
Located at /usr/local/share/perl5
File /usr/local/share/perl5/IO/Socket/SSL/
Is Core No
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Documentation IO::Socket::SSL::Utils
Module Details IO::Socket::SSL::Utils


IO::Socket::SSL::Utils -- loading, storing, creating certificates and keys


    use IO::Socket::SSL::Utils;
    $cert = PEM_file2cert('cert.pem');     # load certificate from file
    my $hash = CERT_asHash($cert);         # get details from certificate
    PEM_cert2file('cert.pem',$cert);       # write certificate to file
    CERT_free($cert);                      # free memory within OpenSSL
    @certs = PEM_file2certs('chain.pem');  # load multiple certificates from file
    PEM_certs2file('chain.pem', @certs);   # write multiple certificates to file
    CERT_free(@certs);                     # free memory for all within OpenSSL
    my $cert = PEM_string2cert($pem);      # load certificate from PEM string
    $pem = PEM_cert2string($cert);         # convert certificate to PEM string
    $key = KEY_create_rsa(2048);           # create new 2048-bit RSA key
    PEM_string2file($key,"key.pem");       # and write it to file
    KEY_free($key);                        # free memory within OpenSSL


This module provides various utility functions to work with certificates and private keys, shielding some of the complexity of the underlying Net::SSLeay and OpenSSL.



Steffen Ullrich

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