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Name Specio::Constraint::Simple
Version 0.42
Located at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl
File /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Specio/Constraint/
Is Core No
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Module Details Specio::Constraint::Simple


Specio::Constraint::Simple - Class for simple (non-parameterized or specialized) types


version 0.42


    my $str = t('Str');
    print $str->name; # Str
    my $parent = $str->parent;
    if ( $str->value_is_valid($value) ) { ... }
    my $code = $str->inline_coercion_and_check('$_[0]');


This class implements simple type constraints, constraints without special properties or parameterization.

It does not actually contain any real code of its own. The entire implementation is provided by the the Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface manpage role, but the primary API for type constraints is documented here.

All other type constraint classes in this distribution implement this API, except where otherwise noted.


This class provides the following methods.


This creates a new constraint. It accepts the following named parameters:

It is possible to create a type without a constraint of its own.


Returns the name of the type as it was passed the constructor.


Returns the parent type passed to the constructor. If the type has no parent this returns undef.


Returns false for named types, true otherwise.


Given a type object, this returns true if the type this method is called on is a descendant of that type or is that type.


Given a type object, this returns true if the type this method is called on is the same as that type.


Returns a list of the Specio::Coercion manpage objects which belong to this constraint.


Given a type name, this method returns a the Specio::Coercion manpage object which coerces from that type, if such a coercion exists.


This method does nothing if the value is valid. If it is not, it throws a the Specio::Exception manpage.


Returns true or false depending on whether the $value passes the type constraint.


This returns true if the type was created with a constraint or inline_generator parameter. This is used internally to skip type checks for types that don't actually implement a constraint.


This returns a string describing the type. This includes the type's name and where it was declared, so you end up with something like 'type named Foo declared in package My::Lib (lib/My/ at line 42'. If the type is anonymous the name will be ``anonymous type''.


This is a unique id for the type as a string. This is useful if you need to make a hash key based on a type, for example. This should be treated as an essentially arbitrary and opaque string, and could change at any time in the future. If you want something human-readable, use the $type->description >> method.


This adds a new the Specio::Coercion manpage to the type. If the type already has a coercion from the same type as the new coercion, it will throw an error.


This method returns true if the type can coerce from the other type.


This attempts to coerce a value into a new value that matches the type. It checks all of the type's coercions. If it finds one which has a ``from'' type that accepts the value, it runs the coercion and returns the new value.

If it cannot find a matching coercion it returns the original value.


Given a variable name, this returns a string of code and an environment hash that implements all of the type's coercions as well as the type check itself.

This will throw an exception unless both the type and all of its coercions are inlinable.

The generated code will throw a the Specio::Exception manpage if the type constraint fails. If the constraint passes, then the generated code returns the (possibly coerced) value.

The return value is a two-element list. The first element is the code. The second is a hash reference containing variables which need to be in scope for the code to work. This is intended to be passed to the Eval::Closure manpage's eval_closure subroutine.

The returned code is a single do { } block without a terminating semicolon.


Given a variable name, this generates code that implements the constraint and throws an exception if the variable does not pass the constraint.

The return value is a two-element list. The first element is the code. The second is a hash reference containing variables which need to be in scope for the code to work. This is intended to be passed to the Eval::Closure manpage's eval_closure subroutine.


Given a variable name, this returns a string of code that implements the constraint. If the type is not inlinable, this method throws an error.


Given a variable name, this returns a string of code and an environment hash that implements all of the type's coercions. It does not check that the resulting value is valid.

This will throw an exception unless all of the type's coercions are inlinable.

The return value is a two-element list. The first element is the code. The second is a hash reference containing variables which need to be in scope for the code to work. This is intended to be passed to the Eval::Closure manpage's eval_closure subroutine.

The returned code is a single do { } block without a terminating semicolon.


This returns a hash defining the variables that need to be closed over when inlining the type. The keys are full variable names like '$foo' or '@bar'. The values are references to a variable of the matching type.


This method returns a sub ref that takes a single argument and applied all relevant coercions to it. This sub ref will use the Sub::Quote manpage if all the type's coercions are inlinable.

This method exists primarily for the benefit of Moo.


All constraints overloading subroutine de-referencing for the benefit of Moo. The returned subroutine uses the Sub::Quote manpage if the type constraint is inlinable.


This role does the the Specio::Constraint::Role::Interface manpage and the Specio::Role::Inlinable manpage roles.


Bugs may be submitted at

I am also usually active on IRC as 'autarch' on irc://


The source code repository for Specio can be found at


Dave Rolsky <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.

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