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Name XML::SAX::ParserFactory
Version 1.01
Located at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl
File /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/SAX/
Is Core No
Search CPAN for this module XML::SAX::ParserFactory
Documentation XML::SAX::ParserFactory
Module Details XML::SAX::ParserFactory


XML::SAX::ParserFactory - Obtain a SAX parser


  use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
  use XML::SAX::XYZHandler;
  my $handler = XML::SAX::XYZHandler->new();
  my $p = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => $handler);
  # or $p->parse_string("<foo/>") or $p->parse_file($fh);


XML::SAX::ParserFactory is a factory class for providing an application with a Perl SAX2 XML parser. It is akin to DBI - a front end for other parser classes. Each new SAX2 parser installed will register itself with XML::SAX, and then it will become available to all applications that use XML::SAX::ParserFactory to obtain a SAX parser.

Unlike DBI however, XML/SAX parsers almost all work alike (especially if they subclass XML::SAX::Base, as they should), so rather than specifying the parser you want in the call to parser(), XML::SAX has several ways to automatically choose which parser to use:


Matt Sergeant,


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